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Hati: Celam stands in solidarity with Mgr. Pierre Andr Dumas, injured in a Ptionville explosion

  • February 22, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 37

P-au-P., February 22, 2024 [AlterPresse] — The Latin American Episcopal Council (Celam) expresses its pain, after the explosion of Sunday February 18, 2024, which affected the Roman Catholic Bishop of Anse-à-Veau/Miragoâne, Monsignor Pierre André Dumas, also vice-president of the Episcopal Conference (Roman Catholic) of Haiti (Ceh), in a letter addressed to the victim of which the online agency AlterPresse became aware.

This explosion, which reached the house where Pierre André Dumas was staying during his stay in Port-au Prince, would constitute an attack against him, according to Celam.

“We regret and repudiate this act of violence, as well as we express our rejection of all situations of injustice and suffering experienced by the people of this beloved country. We thank God for your commitment of faith and in favor of our Haitian brothers, in communion with all the bishops, priests, religious and lay people, who support the presence of the Church, a prophetic sign of hope which journeys towards Easter. “, we read in the Celam letter.

“Msgr. Pierre-André Dumas, Bishop of Miragoâne and Anse-à-Veau, was indeed the victim of an assassination attempt in his residence in Pétionville,” reveals Father Miguel Auguste in a reflection document dated 20 February 2024.

“The explosion, which took place on the evening of February 18, 2024 in his living room and which caused a fire in his house, is of criminal origin, according to the first elements of the investigation. The theory of a domestic accident must be completely ruled out,” according to the details of Father Miguel Auguste.

“Burned in certain parts of his body, Mgr. Dumas had to undergo surgery, a transplant that his condition required.”

“Who are the hidden hands behind this villainous attack? Who could benefit from this well-planned assassination attempt and such a heinous and cowardly crime? “, he asks himself.

“For the moment, the state of health of Monsignor Dumas is stable,” reassured, in a note, the Episcopal Conference of Haiti (Ceh), which did not qualify the explosion as an attack or an attempt to assassination against Monseigneur Pierre André Dumas. [emb rc apr 22/02/2024 14:45]