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Hati – Economy: Hati seeks to restructure its debt with Venezuela

  • February 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 29

Haiti – Economy: Haiti seeks to restructure its debt with Venezuela
29/02/2024 08:34:19

In a note, the Government of Haiti informs that it has been negotiating for several months with the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the restructuring of the Haitian debt contracted within the framework of the PetroCaribe program and other cooperation projects, which According to several sources, it would amount to between 2 billion and 2.5 billion US dollars.

Pending the finalization of an agreement, both parties have agreed to maintain confidentiality regarding these negotiations.

It is undoubtedly for this reason that the Government was careful not to confirm or deny the payment to Venezuela of 500 million dollars (according to a Venezuelan Government source) reported by Bloomberg and Reuters https://www.haitilibre .com/article-41739-haiti-flash-haiti-pays-a-debt-of-500-million-usd-to-venezuela-linked-to-the-petrocaribe-program.html

In the interest of transparency, the Government of Haiti is committed to providing all information to the general public when the agreement becomes effective.

Read also:

HL/ TB/ HaïtiLibre

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