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Hati-Environment: Hati Youth Camp intensifies its environmental commitment

  • June 7, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 29

On Wednesday June 5, 2024, the Ecolo Jeune d’Haïti structure, based in the south of the country, organized the 2nd edition of its theoretical and practical training workshop entitled “3R (Reduce-Recycle-Reuse)”. This workshop, under the theme “Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience”, aimed to mark World Environment Day and raise awareness of their role in the fight against climate change.

Debora ESPERANCE, president of Ecolo Jeune, highlighted the importance of this day for the association, which is dedicated to the promotion and protection of the environment in Haiti. For her, it is an ideal opportunity to lead an environmental education campaign, to fight against plastic pollution, and to mobilize the attention of local authorities on ecological issues. Ms. ESPERANCE reiterates her organization’s commitment to strengthening environmental protection and promoting collective actions for a sustainable future.

Ecolo Jeune now plans to expand its initiatives by introducing ecological training programs in mainstream schools across the city. These programs will aim to teach young people ecological practices such as recycling, waste management and protection of biodiversity, thereby strengthening environmental awareness from a young age.

Collection of plastic waste Ecolo Jeune

Furthermore, Ecolo Jeune invests in the continuing training and skills development of its members to carry out effective actions and establish partnerships with other local organizations. This strategy aims to sustain their initiatives and strengthen the impact of their actions in favor of the environment. Among their recent activities, an awareness campaign on the hurricane season and a collection of plastic waste were carried out, illustrating their concrete commitment to promoting the principles of the “3Rs”: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse.

Mackenson PHANOR

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