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Hati – FLASH: Corpses litter the streets of Ption-ville

  • March 19, 2024
  • 3 Min
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Haiti – FLASH: Corpses litter the streets of Pétion-ville
19/03/2024 09:21:52

Monday, March 18, 2024 in the early morning, the residents of Pétion-ville woke up in shock to discover in the streets of the city, around fifteen lifeless bodies bearing bullet holes, bathing in their blood, most of them inside. Panamerican Avenue. It is currently unknown who the victims are and the circumstances in which they were killed.

Furthermore, armed individuals wearing balaclavas, arriving in cars and motorbikes, launched an assault at dawn on the wealthy neighborhoods of Laboule and Thomassin in the heights of Pétion-ville, letting their automatic weapons speak, causing panic. among local residents…

They attacked a bank branch, a gas station and various other businesses as well as several private residences which they looted, including that of Me Pierre Volmar Demesyeux, Judge at the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (CSC/CA) located in Laboule 18, who was fortunately able to be evacuated narrowly thanks to police intervention.

TB/ HaitiFree

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