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Hati – FLASH : Garry Conille lu PM unanimity

  • May 29, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 37

Haiti – FLASH: Garry Conille unanimously elected PM
29/05/2024 06:04:08

Tuesday May 28, 2024, after the individual hearings of the finalist candidates selected for the position of Prime Minister by the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), the former Prime Minister, Dr. Garry Conille (56 years old) was elected to the post of Prime Minister. unanimously by 6 out of 7 members (Laurent St-Cyr representing the private sector was absent), as Prime Minister, to lead the Transitional Government.

For the moment, the CPT and Prime Minister Conille are busy choosing the different personalities to make up the Ministerial Cabinet.

Garry Conille was born on February 26, 1966 in Port-au-Prince, is married to Betty Rousseau, daughter of former Prime Minister Marc Bazin and has two twin daughters, Soraya and Gaëlle. He speaks English, French and Haitian Creole.

– University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, United States: Masters in Health Policy and Administration, Fulbright Scholar Program
– Isaïe Jeanty Maternity: Specialty Certificate: Gynecology and Obstetrics
– Faculty of Medicine, State University of Haiti: Doctorate in Medicine

Currently :

Responsible for the leadership, oversight and guidance of 36 countries and territories, representing UNICEF to governments, donors, the private sector and civil society in the region.

Garry Conille is an international civil servant with over 20 years of experience as a development practitioner, most of which with the United Nations and international NGOs.

2020 – 2022 :
Resident Coordinator of the Multi-Country Office in Jamaica covering Jamaica, Bahamas, Bermuda, Turks and Caicos and Cayman Islands.

2017-2020 :
Resident coordinator in Burundi.

2015 – 2017 :
Assistant Secretary General for Programs and Operations at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

2014 – 2015 :
Regional Director for the Africa Region of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

2011 to May 2012:
Chief of Staff of the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti (CIRH)

September 2011 to May 2012:
Prime Minister of Haiti under the Martelly Presidency

June 2011:
Present: Resident Coordinator, Resident Representative of the UNDP and Humanitarian Coordinator in Niger

2010 – 2011 :
Special Assignment: Head of Office of the Special Envoy (OSE) for Haiti (President William Clinton)

2008 – 2010 :
Team Leader of the Millennium Goals Unit (MDGs) for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

2007 – 2008 :
Principal Technical Advisor for the Africa region; Coordinator of the Global Program for Securing Reproductive Health Inputs (UNFPA).

Speaker and researcher working on community health systems and initiatives for Columbia University, New York.

January 2006 to December 2006:
Technical Advisor: United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Project

2004 – 2006 :
country technical advisor and sub-regional technical advisor: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA): Africa/Ethiopia Division

2002 – 2004 :
Technical Advisor: Population Services International (PSI)

2001 – 2002 :
Responsible for a Population Program, composed of a wide range of technical cooperation projects within the framework of Haiti’s development objectives

2000 – 2004 :
Presenter: Radio Vision 2000 (Haiti)

1999 – 2001 :
Project Manager for the United Nations agency for sexual and reproductive health (UNFPA – HAITI)

August 1999:
Consultant: Hôpital Albert Schweitzer (Haiti)

1994 – 1998 :
Establishment of a primary care system for the Association for National Development (Haiti)

HL/ HaitiFree

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