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Hati – FLASH: The FAMV attacks, vandalizes and loots

  • March 1, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 36

Haiti – FLASH: The FAMV attacked, vandalized and looted
01/03/2024 09:07:54

Thursday February 29, 2024, heavily armed individuals attacked and invaded the premises of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (FAMV).

According to the information obtained, these individuals took the students who were there hostage for a certain time and then finally let them leave.

In terms of damage, the rectorate is not yet able to assess the extent of the situation; scenes of systematic looting have been observed in the student dormitory and other areas of the faculty. These individuals were able, among other things, to take away solar panels, computers, mattresses and other important materials. A student was shot in the ear.

In a note of protest “The Rectorate denounces and energetically condemns this attack orchestrated against this entity of the University of States of Haiti (UEH) which constitutes a heritage in the field of agricultural sciences. During the year 2023, the FAMV was prey to two unfortunate events, namely the armed attack it suffered on Saturday March 18, 2023 insecurity-attack-of-the-faculty-of-agronomy-and-of-veterinary-medicine.html and the serious fire on the night of April 13 to 14, 2023 which ravaged a large part of the institution’s infrastructure https: // She hasn’t even gotten up yet, and once again, once too many, she is a victim of the infernal machine that constitutes insecurity.

The Rectorate deplores that the country’s situation is only degenerating. No sector is spared. The bloodthirsty have free rein to commit their crimes. It looks like we are in the midst of implementing a destructive plan to end our dear nation. The solution is none other than the general mobilization of the healthy layer of our elites and the population to put an end to this descent into hell. »

Read also:

HL/ HaitiFree

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