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Hati-Gangs: The police are again bruised

  • March 1, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 31

P-au-P., March 1, 2024 [AlterPresse] — Four national police officers, including a police inspector and two police officers, were killed as well as three others injured, in an attack by armed gangs, on Thursday February 29, 2024, against the police sub-station in Bon-Repos ( north of the capital, Port-au-Prince), indicates the National Union of Haitian Police Officers (Synapoha), in a tweet consulted by the online agency AlterPresse.

The names of the murdered police officers are Luciana Pierre, agent 2 (26th promotion), Resula Pautrace, agent 1 (32nd promotion), Junior Marion, principal inspector (14th promotion), Guilliamson Jean Baptiste, agent 1 (31st promotion), .

The Bon Repos police station and an armored tank were set on fire by armed bandits.

Criminals also set fires in the premises of the Portail Léogâne sub-police station (city center). 2 vehicles, parked in the courtyard of the Portail Léogane police substation, were also set on fire, the spokesperson for the Haitian National Police (Pnh), Commissioner Garry Desrosiers, confirmed to AlterPresse/AlterRadio.

Part of the wall enclosing the perimeter of the Police Academy was destroyed in the gang’s attacks Break Barriers by Vitelhomme Innocent, points out Garry Desrosiers.

Two suspected bandits were shot dead in exchanges of fire with the Pnh, who confiscated a rifle, he reports.

Several windows of the Guy Malary terminal in Port-au-Prince were broken, this Thursday, February 29, 2024, by bullets from armed bandits, who were operating with their visors raised in neighboring areasaccording to testimonies obtained by the online agency AlterPresse.

Two planes parked on the runway were reportedly hit by projectiles.

Due to this situation, several local and international airline flights were canceled at the Guy Malary terminal and at the Toussaint Louverture international airport in Port-au-Prince.

A student from the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (Famv) of the State University of Haiti (Ueh) was shot and injured during an attack by armed gangs, this Thursday, February 29, 2024, against the faculty groundsinforms AlterPresse/AlterRadio a manager of the Famv.

Many anxious people were stranded in the municipality of Tabarre and its surroundings, due to armed attacks -> orchestrated in the area by the gang Break Barriers.

Different neighborhoods in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital, Port-au-Prince, were once again under high tension on Thursday February 29, 2024.

Many gunshots were heard in various neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince, particularly in the city center, Cité Soleil (north), Clercine, Tabarre (north-east) and in the commune of Pétionville (east of the capital).

Several residents in several neighborhoods under tension are forced to flee their homes again, to try to escape the terror of armed gangs. [emb rc apr 1er/03/2024 11:40]

Photo: Screenshot