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Hati is in a big crisis. We must fight to save our nation

  • April 14, 2024
  • 10
  • 17


Update – April 14, 2024
To put an end to the crisis that has been slowly wiping out Haiti for some time, we need to meet the prerequisites. First of all, it is a matter of men and women, patriots, of integrity who are competent and ready to tackle a task which seems almost impossible to achieve. But, each of us and all of us must take into consideration that if the situation is not managed carefully, our dear Haiti can slide into an abyss never to return.
To those who repeat that a nation does not die, they are wrong. Because, in truth, consult the Bible, glorious empires have disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace. The price to pay is enormous to prevent Haiti, this beautiful country with such proud people, from coming to the edge of the precipice, before it plunges forever into the abyss of history. This patriotic exercise that we must carry out will require a non-stop effort over at least a period of 20 to 25 years, from each of us, and from all of us.

In the name of our homeland, HAITI, we must commit to becoming much better than who we are today, regardless of our age, our gender, and our shade of color. As Winston Churchill said, “everyone must do his best “. Governance operating on the principle of a Presidential Council of 9 members and a head of government chosen by the Presidential Council will not be unique to Haiti. Several structures in the international system are based on a similar principle with great success. In addition, no need to mention that if the members of this Council are true patriots, who are determined to put an end to the crisis that Haiti is going through, everything will be fine. We must come to an agreement to put an end to the great suffering of the Haitian people by controlling this impulse which pushes us to self-destruct our dear country.

In the state in which Haiti finds itself, there is a strong crisis of confidence. The Haitian people must be able to find a reason to regain confidence in their elites and in the ability of our country to move forward. Personal privileges should not be the primary motivations for our commitment. May those who decide to get involved do so for a noble cause: the happiness of Haiti and its people. They must do it first for the honor of serving their country. In fact, we Haitians have become the first responsible for our problems, so it is time to mobilize to solve them.

The Council will have to work with the Prime Minister it chooses to improve the way we govern Haiti, and to restore the state of the country.

We need to: i) revive the country’s economy by focusing on major projects capable of creating work (modernization of 40 cities in the 5 major regions of the country); ii) supervise small and medium-sized businesses and finance them; iii) focus on infrastructure, agriculture, livestock, fishing, crafts, reforestation, and the revival of coffee and cocoa cultivation, industries and agro-industry export and tourism, among others; iv) train 250,000 young people of both sexes in the technological field, and finally v) improve human capital.
We must rehabilitate minors involved in gangs by giving them a job, establish compulsory civics lessons in all schools, and also relaunch sporting activities; teach music, art in general, and also encourage healthy recreational activities throughout the country.
The transition has the obligation to organize a national conference with the different sectors of the country in order to discuss an accelerated development plan and the modernization of the country over a period of 20 to 25 years; and also carry out constitutional and institutional reforms likely to move the country forward. We will need at least $40 billion for this project over this period. Let’s not waste time, it’s possible. Haitians, our country needs us!

This fight was fought for the first time by the braves of 1804. They were black men from 21 African nations. We must not forget either, the Germans, the Poles, and even the French, who had chosen to cross into the ranks of the braves under the orders of Jean-Jacques Dessalines to challenge, in our ranks, the colonial order, The slave order and the racial order that the expedition sent by Napoleon Bonaparte against the Negro General Toussaint Bréda Louverture had come to reestablish on the island of Santo Domingo. That day we defended our humanity. We must never forget the spiritual support of Benjamin Franklin, founder of the Society of Friends of Blacks, nor that of John Adams, President of the United States from 1797 to 1801, who let American merchants sell weapons to Toussaint Louverture. and had almost gone to war with the French who were unhappy with the action of the Americans. All those who had fought for Haiti had done so for the same and noble ideal of which the philosophers of the Enlightenment spoke: liberty, equality, fraternity. We were big!! We also signed on as founding members of the United Nations. But, certainly, our ancestors did not commit and sacrifice for us to become what we are today! No, we got lost on the way. We certainly do not behave like the heirs of these same people, these heroes, who made 1804!

Haitians, my brothers and sisters, the crisis we are experiencing is not simply a matter of armed bandits. The transition needs to be a little more than a child-killing game. We must take the opportunity for profound reform in our society, at all levels.

Paul Gustave Raphaël Magloire
Special Advisor for the Transition from 2004-2006
Minister of the Interior in the Alexandre-Latortue Government, 2004-2006.
Haiti Modernization Project (youtube.com)