Following a General Assembly held on August 4, 2024, a new Committee was unanimously validated to take the reins of the Haitian Association of Online Media (AHML).
THE HAITI FACTOR, August 11, 2024._New blood within the Haitian Association of Online Media (AHML). Indeed, a new Committee composed of 7 members has taken control of the institution of which Steeves Valentin, of “Mag Haïti”, is the President.
The decision was taken during a General Assembly which took place on Sunday, August 4, 2024, in Port-au-Prince.
The seven (7) members forming the said Committee are:
1- Steeves Valentin: President.
2- Stevens Jean François: Vice-president,
3- Soraya Saïka Colas: Secretary General
4-Marie Mika Achille: assistant secretary
5-Jean Lournel Léandre: Treasurer.
6-Milo Milfort : Conseiller
7- Nesly Valcourt : Conseiller
The new committee’s mission is to address advanced training and supervision of AHML members, education of Internet users, fake news and other forms of media problems, among others.