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Here are 5 simple tips from a dietician to eat more vegetables while having fun

  • May 22, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 16

Not always popular with children, it also happens that the vegetables are shunned by certain adults who do not find them to their liking. However, they have an essential role for health. They are rich in fiberin vitamins and minerals, which is why it is recommended to eat 5 fruits and vegetables per day.

According to dietitian Elodie Colombel, also known as on social media, not liking vegetables is, most of the time, due to “to a lack of ideas on how to cook them and not to their taste strictly speaking”. In a recent video posted on Instagram, the nutrition expert revealed 5 simple tips that help integrate vegetables into your diet.

5 simple tips that will help you include vegetables on your plate

Are you aiming to include vegetables in your meals? Here are some tips from a dietitian that will help you eat them while enjoying yourself.

Vary the cutting of vegetables

In juliennes, in cubes, in thick or thin slices, cutting the vegetables makes the difference, according to the nutritionist. In fact, it offers a different texture, and thus gives the impression of rediscovering the food in another form.

Test different cooking methods

Just because we eat vegetables doesn’t mean we have to settle for one. steam cooking, often not very attractive. Indeed, there are many ways to cook vegetables. They can be enjoyed steamed, in the Airfryer, sautéed, grilled, papillotes… Moreover, as the nutritionist points out in her video, “each cooking method highlights the flavors of vegetables in a different way”. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself while eating vegetables.

Focus on spices and seasonings

According to the dietitian, there is a 90% chance that a vegetable that you don’t like will become completely validated once added. spices or aromatics. In fact, it explains that “Spices and aromatic herbs can transform an ordinary vegetable dish into an explosion of flavors.” So, accompanying your vegetables with a little spice will take your taste buds on a journey.

Mix textures

Do you prefer to enjoy crunchy vegetables, tender vegetables or combine the two? According to the expert, mixing textures can create “an interesting taste experience”. For example, she advises playing with texture by adding roasted vegetables to a crunchy salad.

Accompany your vegetables with sauces, marinades and vinaigrettes

Do you want to make vegetables the stars of your meal? For this, there is nothing like good support. As the nutritionist indicates, this can be a cottage cheese sauce, vinaigrette, mustard or a curry marinade.

“Our tastes change very often so don’t hesitate to re-test certain foods that you thought you no longer liked”recalls the specialist in the caption of her video.

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Oceane Letouze