Hormones play a fundamental role in the proper functioning of the body and certain lifestyle habits can directly impact them. The French Society of Endocrinology thus recalled a list of recommendations to help take hormonal health carerecommending in particular to reduce the use of plastic packaging, to have good sleeping habitsa balanced diet or even practicing regular physical activity.
In the columns from the British version of StylistDr Fiona MacRae, doctor of the National Health Service (NHS), the public health system of the United Kingdom, psychologist and expert in hormonal health at the Marion Gluck clinic, returned to the virtues of a simple and accessible activity on hormonal health: walking.
What are the benefits of walking on hormonal health?
Near Stylist, Dr. Fiona MacRae recommends walking to take care of hormonal health. Here are the three benefits of this activity listed by the doctor.
Maintain growth hormone levels
Growth hormones are essential for metabolism. As we age, the body naturally loses muscle strength. If it is recommended to follow a balanced dietthe doctor also recommends walking. According to her, this made it possible to “stimulate anabolic (or building) hormones such as testosterone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and growth hormone”. But that’s not all: it would also reduce “catabolic (or breakdown) hormones such as the cortisol and thyroid hormones”. Ultimately, this would allow “increased muscle mass and healthy bone mineral density”.
Keeping the stress hormone at low levels
To take care of your hormonal health, Dr. Fiona MacRae recommends avoiding high-intensity physical exercise and favoring low-intensity exercises such as walking. They “are associated with a reduction in cortisol (also called “stress hormone”, editor’s note) and an increase in feelings of well-being and relaxation,” she explains.
Balancing sex hormones
In women, the two main hormones are estrogen and progesterone. They can be unbalanced by different factors such as stress, progesterone being particularly sensitive to cortisol dysregulation. Estrogen dominance can cause symptoms ranging from breast tenderness to heavy, painful periods. Also, walking can help maintain this balance by reducing cortisol levels, according to the doctor.
Source :
- 3 reasons why walking is so good for your hormonal health, according to an expert – Stylist (19/11/2024)