What do the French know about the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)responsible for AIDS and, above all, what are the reflexes taken to limit the risk of transmission? This is what the survey conducted by Toluna Harris Interactive for Gilead Sciences wanted to know. If the French seem well informed about HIV, 53% of respondents say they did not systematically protect themselves following a relationship with a new partner in the past year.
As a reminder, in France, there are approximately 200,000 people living with AIDS, 15% of whom are unaware their HIV statusThis is what is called the “hidden epidemic”.
44% of 15-24 year olds say they did not protect themselves after having sex with a new partner
Conducted on a panel of 2,051 French people aged 15 and over, representative of the national population, this survey looked at the habits of the French in relation to HIV. The authors note that in terms of perception of the risk of contracting AIDS, “33% consider that the risk exists for others (i.e. the general population, colleagues, friends, family) and much less for themselves (13%)”. Also, one in three French people say they did not protect themselves during sex with a new partner in the past year. Among 15-24 year-olds, this rate reaches 44%.
The main cause is trust in one’s partner, highlighted by 45% of people who did not protect themselves. Next comes the search for “better feelings”, cited by a third of the respondents concerned, including 36% of men. Among young people, having had sex under the influence of alcohol is mentioned by a quarter of respondents. Not having a condom is cited by 37% of 25-34 year-olds.
However, while since January 1, 2023, those under 26 can have access to condoms for free in pharmacies, only 48% of 15-24 year-olds know this. As for screening, 23% of 15-24 year-olds find it too complicated and 20% say they do not know where to go.
“Around 20% of French people still believe in 2024 (…) that HIV can be transmitted by a mosquito bite”
The survey also highlights a lack of knowledge about HIV, particularly with regard to progress in the fight against AIDS. “While the treatments allow you to live with HIV and not to transmit it, HIV is still seen as a deadly virus,” the authors emphasize. In addition, “87% of French people believe that it is possible to be infected with the virus after unprotected vaginal sex with a person carrying the virus who is undergoing treatment.”
In a press release, Professor Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectious diseases department at Tenon Hospital in Paris, notes that it is “It is worrying to note that around 20% of French people still believe in 2024, 40 years after the discovery of the virus, that HIV can be transmitted by a mosquito bite.” The latter insists on the importance of the “pedagogy, targeted campaigns and the general population”.
HIV: what are the right reflexes to protect yourself and how to get tested?
Among the ways to protect yourself from HIV, we can note the free condoms for those under 26 if they go to a pharmacy. In addition, they can be prescribed by a doctor or midwife and are reimbursed by Health Insurance.
Regarding a screeningit can be done via a test in a medical analysis laboratory with or without a prescription. In addition, a self-test is available in pharmacies without a prescription. It is also possible to go to one of the anonymous and free screening centers (CeGIDD) whose list is available on the website of the Ministry of Health or via Sida Info Service.
Methodology : The study was conducted online from June 7 to 11, 2024 by Harris Interactive among 2,051 French people aged 15 and over, representative of the national population, through the application of quotas and an adjustment on the following variables: gender, age, socio-professional category and region of residence.
Source :
- Gilead – Toluna Harris Interactive study: 53% of French people say they do not systematically protect themselves against HIV when having sex with a new partner (press release – 02/07/2024 –