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I would have wanted so much, text by Maguy Bouchereau Clri (audio) to the bastards of the Republic who govern us

  • April 3, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 47

I would have wanted so much

To the bastards of the Republic who govern us!
President, ministers, senators, deputies, judges, magistrates,
To thugs of all stripes,
Members of the villainous opposition,
To the so-called democratic sector,

Today I shout to you my disgust, my rage and my frustration at not being able to do anything against you. Because you contributed to dismantling all the institutions of my country. Yes, I would have liked so much for justice to take action to judge you, condemn you, and remove you from this power that you have sullied and give you the sentence that you all deserve: the gallows.

I would have liked so much to silence you, to make you stop barking, because nothing beautiful, nothing true can come from your lips soiled by baseness and the lure of easy gain.

I would so much like to make you stop your fields of hatred and discord, because your strategy of musical chairs or getting out of my way will lead us all to disaster.

I would so much like to speak to you about dignity, honesty, beauty and love, but you are too blind and too deaf to understand the value of these words.

I would have liked to talk to you about patriotism and citizenship, but these are values ​​that are too beautiful and too demanding for you to embody.

I would have liked to speak to you about courage and pride, but your cowardice and your greed distance you from these civic virtues.

I would have liked to speak to you about loyalty to yourselves first, and to the homeland second, but your cruelty and your submission to the forces of evil make you thugs and thugs.

Finally, I would have liked to speak to you about Haiti, its daughters and sons, this magnificent country, its dignified, courageous and proud people, to offer you models to reproduce, but, alas, your hatred of others, your desire for destruction is stronger than your ability to put yourself in the place of others, to understand their suffering.

Shame on you all! And may we quickly throw everyone into the dustbin of history… And may Haiti be reborn for the happiness of its children.