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Insecurity: Haiti under fire, Ariel Henry parades on the red carpet in Kenya

  • February 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 35

From the red carpet for Ariel Henry in Kenya, while Haiti is under the influence of gangs (Photo credit: La presse Kenyanes)

A tense situation reigns on Thursday, February 29, 2024, in different areas of Port-au-Prince, notably in the city center as far as Carrefour-Feuilles where individuals are sowing terror. A similar observation is made at Carrefour de l’Aéroport, at Maïs Gaté, at Toussaint Louverture International Airport and in the Plaine du Cul-de-sac, among others. Meanwhile, de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry walks the red carpet in Kenya.

THE HAITI FACTOR, February 29, 2024._The Haitian capital woke up to a wave of tensions on Thursday, February 29, 2024. In fact, heavy gunfire was heard in the city center.

These detonations created panic in the vicinity of the civil prison of Port-au-Prince, commonly known as the “National Penitentiary” and around Collège Petit Seminaire Saint-Martial where students had to throw themselves in all directions under the bullets and tear gas.

At Carrefour-Feuilles, traders were forced to pack up in order to empty the places where they had displayed their goods. Also, many parents had to go to the premises of several schools to pick up their children.

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This is an illustrative photo not that of the killed gang leader Photo credit Google

At the Airport Crossroads, there is a parade of gangs in the streets enough to frighten passengers and pedestrians. The tension extends to Toussaint Louverture International Airport via Maïs Gaté, according to our information.

In the Plaine de Cul-de-sac, members of the population erected barricades using trucks and other means to express their frustration with the insecurity. These security measures were observed in Croix-des-Missions, Shada and Marin, among others.

While the country is under the influence of armed gangs, Prime Minister Ariel Henry parades this morning on the red carpet in Kenya, on the occasion of his participation
the high-level convention of the Sixth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6).

So, Ariel on a trip, the gangs at work, the Haitian population at bay!


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Le Facteur Haiti