Armed civilians from the terrorist group “Gran Grif” operating in Savien carried out an armed attack on the “Patchwal” sub-police station on national road number one on Monday, July 15, 2024. Several members of this criminal group were reportedly killed in exchanges of fire with the police, witnesses on the scene reported.
The bandits are not idle. And this, despite the presence of a minority of Kenyan police officers, members of the multinational force supporting security in Haiti. This Monday, July 15, 2024, the armed men of the Savien gang in Artibonite carried out an attack on the “Patchwal” sub-police station located on national road number one. According to initial information, several of them were killed in an exchange of fire with the police and aided by the Chandelle resistance group.
According to the spokesperson of the Commission for Dialogue, Reconciliation, and Awareness for the Safeguarding of Artibonite, Bertide Horace, reported by a media source, this is the third attack by this clan against the aforementioned sub-police station between last Friday and this Monday. She also reported that a member of the population was killed and four others injured following the attack.