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July 3, 1801: Toussaint Louverture approved the constitutional text of 1801

  • July 3, 2024
  • 4 Min
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Today’s ephemeris: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher.

Today is Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 3, 1801: Toussaint approved the constitutional text of 1801, and 5 days later, during a solemn ceremony, he proclaimed it before the constituted bodies of the colony and the crowd of the Cape.

July 3, 1951 : birth of Jean-Claude Duvalier President of Haiti from April 22, 1971 to February 7, 1986. He succeeded his father, François Duvalier, who died on April 21, 1971.

July 3, 1779 : Commissioner Roume declared André Rigaud an outlaw. The cruelty of Rigaud’s men at Petit-Goâve (June 8, 1799) and Léogâne had aroused the indignation of white settlers. Defeated a year later by Toussaint Louverture’s troops and discredited among his peers, he embarked for France with Pétion and some of the leaders who had followed him in his adventure (July 7, 1800).

July 3, 1868 : peasants, supporters of Sylvain Salnave, took over the city of Léogâne. They entered the city, arrested the military leaders who commanded it in the name of the cacos (opponents of Sylvain Salnave’s government) and sent them to Port-au-Prince under heavy escort.

July 3, 1992 : Accord du Governors Island:
A document drafted by the proxies of the United States, TEN et l’OEA in order to find a solution to the crisis born of the coup d’état of September 30, 1991, and signed separately by the president in exile, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and Lieutenant-General Raoul Cédras.

This agreement provided, among other things, for the appointment of a new prime minister by the president in exile, amnesty for those responsible for the September 30 coup, the retirement of General Raoul Cédras and finally the return to Haiti of President Aristide on October 30, 1993. These terms were never applied given the demands coming from both parties.

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