Today’s ephemeris: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher.
Today is Tuesday, July 9, 2024
July 9, 2004 : Prime Minister Gérard Latortue and MINUSTAH Commander Adama Guindo sign an agreement regarding the status of the United Nations operation in Haiti.
This agreement establishes the privileges, immunities and rights conferred by the government on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti throughout the Haitian territory. It also deals with the property, funds and assets of the participating States in the framework of the said operation as well as the facilities that Haiti undertakes to provide to MINUSTAH.
July 9, 1850 : Jean-Pierre Boyer, President of Haiti for 25 years, died in exile. After leaving Haiti on March 13, 1843, he lived seven years in Jamaica, living in a state bordering on embarrassment. At his death, he was 77 years old. Boyer’s 25-year reign was a failure for the country in diplomacy. Several attempts to gain recognition from the United States failed, and his proposed concordat with the Catholic Church never saw the light of day. He provoked the hostility of the English by a series of actions.
July 9, 2002 : publication in the official journal “Le Moniteur” of the law on free zones. This law contains provisions relating to the labor regime applicable to the operator and to personnel of foreign nationality (applicable labor legislation, regulations on medical service, exemption from work permits, etc.).
In Haiti, the first free zone was created in 2002. It is the Compagnie de développement industriel SA (CODEVI) located in Ouanaminthe near the Haitian-Dominican border.
July 9, 2021 : To fill the presidential vacancy left by President Jovenel Moïse assassinated in his residence on July 7, 2021, the Senate of the Republic, in a resolution adopted by an absolute majority of eight senators for, zero against and two abstentions, proclaimed Joseph Lambert provisional president.
“The new Provisional President, His Excellency Joseph Lambert, will take the constitutional oath in Parliament before the Assembly of Senators, in the presence of the constituted authorities, the leaders of Civil Society and the Political Class,” we can read in this resolution which has eight points.
“Joseph Lambertelected by the people as senator of the Republic, is chosen by his peers to fulfill the function of Provisional President of the Republic of Haiti until the entry into office of Parliament, on the second Monday of January 2022, of a new elected president, on February 7, 2022”, it adds.
July 9, 2023 : The march entitled “Souf pou Ayiti”, initiated by Pastor Grégory Toussaint, brought together tens of thousands of participants in Port-au-Prince, in provincial cities, as well as in several major cities around the world. This demonstration, aimed at protesting the escalation of violence by armed gangs and kidnappings in Haiti, was a great success.
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