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June 17, 1988: Leslie Manigat unceremoniously dismisses the head of the Haitian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Henri Namphy

  • June 17, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 10

The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher of your memory.

June 17, 1876: General Nord Alexis attempts to secede in the North.

Boisrond-Canal reacted violently, and led his troops to fight him. Nord Alexis, defeated, took refuge in the American consulate and left for exile. Less than 75 years after the creation of the first black Republic, there was already talk of a struggle for power. Accession to power to enrich oneself. 214 years later the same strategy continues as the country sinks into poverty.

June 17, 1988: President Leslie Manigat unceremoniously dismisses the head of the Haitian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Henri Namphy.

Reason given: Transfer of officers and high-ranking officers of the army without the prior agreement of the executive, an action “violating constitutional norms”, according to President Manigat.

The general was then placed under house arrest. Three days later, officers and supporters freed him and handed over power to him.

The Manigat experience, which began on February 7, 1988, ended: a new president went into exile and a government composed entirely of soldiers was established with Henri Namphy as president.

June 17, 2007: At the invitation of the Haitian government, the president of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and rapporteur on the rights of persons deprived of their liberty, Florentìn Meléndez, visits Port-au-Prince at the head of a delegation for a four-day fact-finding visit, intended to observe the human rights situation in the country.

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