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Kenscoff: MSPP presented a report on the investigation into the alert of febrile syndrome in children

  • June 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 7

Fever epidemic alert in Kenscoff: a false alarm according to the Ministry of Health.

A recent investigation by the Western Health Directorate (DSO) has dispelled concerns about a possible fever outbreak among children in the commune of Kenscoff. The investigation, initiated after alarming reports on June 19, 2024, revealed that the fever cases detected were mainly related to seasonal flu syndromes and mild respiratory infections.

The investigation report, carried out by a specialized team from the DSO on June 20 and 21, 2024, aimed to confirm or deny the reported cases, assess their seriousness, and characterize the cases detected. Among the notable observations, one case of death and two hospitalizations were reported in the same family, but preliminary analyzes suggest food poisoning rather than an infectious cause.

Investigation Results

Day 1: Kenscoff and Fermathe

According to the MSPP document, three girls from the same family were identified with symptoms of fever, one of whom died. The other two showed good progress after hospitalization.

Medical records revealed a total of 29 cases of fever between June 3 and 20, 2024, mostly associated with influenza-like syndromes.

Day 2: Bellevue-La Montagne

No cases of severe fever were detected. The cases recorded were related to benign conditions.

No notable increase in fever cases was noted in medical records.

Rapid tests for Covid-19 have tested negative, and ongoing testing is seeking to identify other potential pathogens such as dengue fever or malaria.

The in-depth investigation concluded that rumors of multiple deaths and a possible outbreak were unfounded. The symptoms observed corresponded to mild respiratory infections and seasonal flu syndromes. Health authorities have strengthened prevention measures through awareness sessions and the distribution of hygiene kits.

The initial alert was officially classified as a false alarm, highlighting the importance of vigilance and rapid response by health authorities to prevent the spread of false information and ensure public safety.

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