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Kenya | The family of the deceased police officer Washington, after a meeting with Emmelie Prophte and Frantz Elbe, requests the results of the autopsy

  • March 19, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 30

No senior police and inspector general’s office officials attended the funeral of the deceased Kenyan police inspector in the United States.

The family of Walter Nyamata, a high-ranking Kenyan police inspector who died in February in Washington DC, United States, is now demanding answers.

The officer, who was the personal assistant to Deputy Inspector General Noor Gabow, was part of a team carrying out a reconnaissance mission as part of the Kenya-Haiti deployment initiative. He participated in secret meetings with the former de facto Minister of Justice, Emmelie Prophète and the disgraced DG of the PNH, Frantz Elbe.

The body of the 39-year-old officer, discovered in a hotel in the US capital, was buried on Friday March 16 in Nyatieko village, Nyamira County.

After the burial ceremony last Saturday, the father, speaking to a media outlet, stressed that the government had not yet provided an explanation on the circumstances surrounding the death of their relative.

According to the father, authorities did not provide the autopsy report, autopsy findings or death certificate.

“We asked for the interim report to show the autopsy results, and they refused to give it to us. Even the death certificate provided by the US has not been issued yet,” the deceased’s father said.

“When the body arrived in Kenya, they banned us from seeing it. Later, they called us to Lee Funeral Home, where we confirmed that it was indeed our son. »

The family also revealed that the descendant’s brother, who currently resides in the United States, was also prevented from viewing the body moments after he was declared dead, under the pretext that he was now in the custody of the States. -United.

The bereaved families, who came in droves for the departure of the man on duty, were concerned about the absence of senior officials from the police and the inspector general’s office.

The family is seeking answers about what happened to their relative because the government failed them.

The father, revealing his last conversation with the deceased before he left on his trip, noted that he was indeed in the company of his colleagues, as part of a planned short-term mission.

“He told us he wouldn’t be coming home soon because the date for the trip to the United States was fast approaching,” the father said.