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Kenyan president vows multinational force will crush armed gangs in Haiti

  • May 23, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 17

During a visit to the United States, Kenyan President William Ruto promises that the multinational force will crush armed gangs in Haiti

Le président du Kenya promet que la force multinationale écrasera les gangs armés en Haïti

U.S. President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden greet Kenyan President William Ruto and first lady Rachel Ruto at the North Portico before a formal state dinner at the White House in Washington, U.S., May 23, 2024. REUTERS / Evelyn Hockstein

During a press conference at the White House in the United States, the Kenyan president, William Ruto promises that the next deployment of the multinational force to be led by his country in Haiti will crush the criminal gangs who have been sowing terror among the population for months.

Assuring that the Multinational Security Support Mission will act firmly and decisively, within the parameters of the law, William Ruto firmly declared that criminal groups have no entity, nor religion.

Present at this conference, American President Joe Biden responded to journalists that Kenyan police officers will be able to defeat armed gangs in Haiti, emphasizing that his country finds itself in a situation in which it wants to contribute as much as possible, without that this results, once again, in the American government having to decide what should be done.

Le président du Kenya promet que la force multinationale écrasera les gangs armés en Haïti

U.S. President Joe Biden welcomes Kenyan President William Ruto during an official White House State Arrival ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, U.S., May 23, 2024. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz

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