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King Charles III suffers from cancer according to Buckingham Palace

  • February 5, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 64

According to Buckingham Palace, King Charles III is suffering from a form of cancer.

The roi Charles III is suffering from a form of cancer, Buckingham Palace announced this Monday February 5, 2024 in a press release, which specifies that he has started treatment. This diagnosis comes after the king was treated for an enlarged prostate a few days ago.

If the palace specifies that it is not prostate cancer, it does not specify the type of cancer from which the monarch suffers.

“It was during this procedure that a distinct new concern emerged and it was subsequently diagnosed as a form of cancer. This second pathology will now benefit from appropriate treatment” underlines the palace in the press release, specifying that the sovereign will continue to take care of state affairs.

The press release also specifies that the king is grateful to his medical team for their rapid intervention, made possible thanks to his recent operation at the hospital and he began this Monday, a program of regular treatments and that he remains totally positive about his treatment and that he looks forward to fully returning to his public duties as soon as possible.

In addition, the sovereign’s doctors advised him to postpone his public activities, the palace informs. King Charles III, who returned home this Monday after his outpatient treatment, “chose to share his diagnosis to avoid speculation and in the hope that it may help the public understand everyone around the world affected by cancer”concludes the press release.

King Charles III suffers from cancer according to Buckingham Palace

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