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Lies and defamations: weapons of imperialist destruction

  • April 10, 2024
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One does not need to be a psychoanalyst to discover that the authentic agents of imperialism have always resorted to easy cards, a sort of cowardly insults or denigration when they are cornered or short of arguments. Sometimes they even resort to slanderous and shameful campaigns to demonstrate their hostility. The most dangerous are those who pose as progressives in order to better infiltrate the people’s struggle.

We can easily recognize them thanks to their inconsistent political practice and certain perverse actions sewn with white thread. Very recently, one of these chameleons living in Canada made the following statement on his Facebook page: “ the construction of the Ouanaminthe Canal is a project of the American Central Intelligence (CIA) to condition the people to accept the restoration of Macoutism in Haiti through the BSAP (Protected Areas Surveillance Brigade). » Such an aberration could not come out of the brain of a conscious and consistent Haitian patriot, if he was not in the service of certain foreign agencies working against the development of the country.

One of his allies in New York, spreading an endless stream of lies and provocations, is clearly another brain-dead agent. A primary anti-communist, he is assigned to direct coercive attacks by attempting to slander with all kinds of lies going as far as defamation against the newspaper Haiti Liberty. He is, it seems, paid precisely for the vain objective of devaluing the image of the newspaper. As a reminder, in November 2022, he organized a demonstration with around ten mercenaries in front of the newspaper’s offices to justify his mission. He would do better, one day, to have the courage to reveal, like Emmanuel Toto Constant, his reports and his salary as a CIA agent.

Haiti Liberty, obviously disturbs, torments the maneuvers of imperialism and its local lackeys who are inside the country as well as outside. It is at every moment that the country is in movement, the people resist the assaults of Western aggressors that the laboratory uses its instruments to try to threaten, intimidate or stifle the forces which rise against their interference intolerable in the affairs of the country. Thus, in the absence of their own arguments, these propagandists have chosen to throw their venom at Haiti Liberty with dirty weapons, actions that justify the level of their reactionary mentality.

It is misunderstanding that Haiti Libertythe only quality anti-imperialist newspaper, could remain indifferent without denouncing this scandalous attack, and especially the new project for a Presidential Transition Council under the shameful cover of Caricom which the people have rightly and categorically rejected by calling it snakes with 7 or 9 heads.

We will never allow ourselves to be intimidated or panicked by the indecent, disappointing propaganda propaganda promoted by the ruling classes of the great imperialist powers. These are just all-out pettinesses of a capitalist system which is trying to regenerate itself with new Sudre Dartiguenave. What cynical inaction and political cowardice in wanting to operate the rotten state apparatus to the detriment of the Haitian people.

The propagandists in the service of the West who spread lies and promote the criminal foreign policy of the United States cannot prevent the newspaper from expressing its democratic ideas, from raising its voice to protest against the infamy which will be victim the country with these new thieves in the service of international reaction.

These lackeys of imperialism attempting to intimidate, tyrannize, lull or spread confusion through their lies and defamation could under no circumstances distract us from our orientation of supporting the disadvantaged, oppressed masses to organize. to combat with all possible and unimaginable means the projects of the former slavers. It is the struggle of the revolting masses for fundamental change that has forced certain political sectors, inside and outside the country, to throw away their masks. We were able to discover their true hideous face and their reactionary petty bourgeois character, watchdog of imperialism.

All imperialist actions involve a relationship of domination or forced relationships allowing the strongest to appropriate wealth extorted from the weakest. The montages of pure lies deliberately created and propagated are the characteristic of these renegades in the service of evil. They are the real criminals hiding the crimes of capitalism, accusing others of doing precisely what they are doing. To support the massacre in Gaza, American President Joe Biden has not just soiled himself, by deliberately repeating a big lie, namely: that Hamas forces had beheaded 40 Israeli children and to top it all off he claims to have even seen the photos of this beheading. So many other countries like Syria, Nicaragua and Russia have been victims of these same shenanigans, violence and untruths.

For example, it was the brazen lies of American General Colin Powell to the United Nations, with his alleged weapons of mass destruction, which led the United States and its reactionary allies to destroy and pillage Iraq.

Many lies have been peddled against the Venezuelan Bolivarian revolution, accusing President Nicolas Maduro of being a drug trafficker, a violator of human rights, without forgetting “his crimes” against humanity. The Cuban revolution, despite its advanced age, continues to fall prey to Western buccaneers.

These slanderous and lying battles are not new, they cannot shake us from fulfilling our duty to rout the pious wishes of the exploiting powers. And as Cuban President Miguel-Diaz Canel so well pointed out “The truth always prevails in the end, regardless of the power of the tools that exist today to conceal or distort it. The lie will be able to spread just as the COVID virus spreads and it will have the power to confuse and contaminate a large number of people, but it will not be able to bend the will so often tested by this heroic people. » Haiti Liberty will never stop brandishing the torch of anti-imperialism. Just like the international working class, the Haitian people in struggle will live and fight imperialism until final victory!

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Berthony Dupont