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Lucien Jura kidnaps Vivy Mitchell from his home

  • March 19, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 50

Armed individuals kidnapped Senior Journalist, Lucien Jura from his home in Vivy Mitchell.

While armed gangs have continued to commit criminal acts in recent times across the country, particularly in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince, they continue at the same time to commit acts of kidnapping as they see fit.

Indeed, armed individuals kidnapped the Senior Journalist from his home on Monday March 18, 2024. Lucien Jura to Vivy Mitchell.

“I cannot say at what exact time the act was carried out but they broke into the house and kidnapped our brother” said a source close to the victim contacted by Juno7.

Not having the capacity to communicate the sum demanded by the thugs for the release of the hostage, this source confirmed that the kidnappers have already contacted relatives of the family of the former presidential spokesperson under the administration of Michel Joseph Martelly.

Lucien Jura kidnapped from his home in Vivy Mitchell

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Lucien Jura kidnapped from his home in Vivy Mitchell