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Lyonel Trouillot | No, Doctor Conille!

  • June 6, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 29

Without judging the individual or individuals, no member of Dr. Ariel Henry’s de facto power deserves to remain in his position

No, Doctor Conille, don’t kill the word “breakup”!

Sometimes words die. Something, someone comes to divert them from their original meaning, deceive them or reduce them to a caricature. Bury the thing by burying the name of the thing. Or bury the thing under a false name which makes it invisible by distorting it.

During the first quarter of the 19th century, in international diplomacy, the name Haiti was used little or not at all; it was a way of denying the existence of a reality too radical for colonial capitalism.

Today, in certain societies that are as hypocritical as they are arrogant, we bury the word people by caricaturing it in a catch-all, the nebula of “populism”. We should no longer say people. All those who say people are “populists”, so the extreme right and the extreme left, despite having irreconcilable visions of what they call people, are the same thing. Governance replaces government, we offer people not political thinkers carrying human projects, but executive directors who apply methods.

During the first quarter of the 19th century, in international diplomacy, the name Haiti was used little or not at all; it was a way of denying the existence of a reality too radical for colonial capitalism.

Here, we want to bury the word rupture. The good doctor Conille has arrived, Zorro of the Americans, welcomed unanimously by a Presidential Council which is increasingly taking on the appearance of a rump parliament. They have a good face, the representatives and represented within this Council, who yesterday demanded a break.

And, to ensure this break, the good doctor Conille would like to keep the Minister of National Education. For what ? To ensure stability! To ensure stability, let us keep one of the tenors of a power which will only have produced instability and the destruction of institutions. We will certainly find others who deserve to be kept as they served the country.

Such an imposed act on the part of the Prime Minister would simply and clearly mean that he totally disregards the desire for a break expressed by the population. He demands a blank check to do what he wants. This too is part of the PHTK et al tradition: do what you want. And what we assume “white people” want.

Doctor Conille, you are not a popular leader. You are only the most acceptable to the international in its projects, and it is the weakness of national progressive political actors which places you in power.

Such an imposed act on the part of the Prime Minister would simply and clearly mean that he totally disregards the desire for a break expressed by the population.

Do not drive the point home, and do not provoke the population, the Haitian progressives, by showing from the start that you are coming to ensure a continuity which has only done us harm. Without judging the individual or individuals, no member of Dr. Ariel Henry’s de facto power deserves to remain in his position.

Read also: Lyonel Trouillot | Prime Minister appointed: issues and concerns

Do not bury the word rupture and do not bury your notoriety and the (little) credit you have by being unnecessarily authoritarian in the defense of continuity. If you go down this path, no one will believe you are willing and able to organize free and credible elections. But we no longer want anyone, the Americans, the EU, the Core group, the government in place to continue to appoint our elected officials.

Par Lionel Trouillot

Cover image: Prime Minister Garry Conille received the amplification of the decree of his appointment, Monday June 3, 2024, at the Villa d’Acceuil, in Musseau. | © Jean Feguens Regala/AyiboPost

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Poet, novelist, literary critic and screenwriter, Lyonel Trouillot studied law.

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Lyonel Trouillot