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Magistrate Wando Saint-Villier re-elected as representative of the TPI at the CSPJ

  • July 16, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 1

Re-election of Magistrate Wando Saint-Villier as representative of the Courts of First Instance on the High Council of the Judiciary.

This Tuesday, July 16, 2024, the Dean of the Court of First Instance of Hinche, Wando Saint-Villier ran for a second term as representative of the Courts of First Instance at the Superior Council of the Judiciary. This election took place in the various jurisdictions of the country and at the El Rancho Hotel for the jurisdictions of the Courts of First Instance of Port-au-Prince and Croix-des-Bouquets.

In Port-au-Prince, in the presence of the President of CSPJMagistrate Jean Joseph Lebrun and members of the electoral commission composed of Me Evens Fils, member of the CSPJ, Me Amoce Auguste, Deputy Protector of the OPC and Doctor Chantal Noël, Representative of the State University of Haiti, out of 144 votes, 141, or 97.9%, were in favor of the Dean of the TPI of Hinche.

After his re-election, Wando Saimt-Villier, promises to continue to work in the interest of the Magistrates and to work towards the establishment of a truly strong and independent justice system in the country. For members of the judicial sector, this re-election marks a crucial moment for justice in Haiti, as the country seeks to strengthen the independence and efficiency of its judicial system, while specifying that the challenges remain numerous, but with strong and determined leadership, it is possible to hope for significant progress in the quest for a justice system that can properly fulfill its sovereign missions of social regulation.

It should be noted that on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the Judges of the Courts of Appeal elected their representative, and the Justices of the Peace will elect their representative on Tuesday, July 23.

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