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May 18, 1803: creation of the Haitian flag

  • May 18, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 17

The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher of your memory.

May 18, 1803: Creation of the Haitian flag.

At the congress of Arcahaie, the generals Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Alexandre Pétion, respectively leaders of the Blacks and the Mulattoes, in the fight against the French expeditionary forces, decided to unify the troops under the sole command of Dessalines and created the flag of the indigenous troops, which would later be the flag of the Republic of Haiti .

Legend has it that the French tricolor flag reflected the existence of the three ethnic categories of the colony: Whites, Mulattoes and Blacks. With a quick gesture Dessalines would have torn off the white strip. Thus the first Haitian flag was formed of two red and blue bands placed side by side, symbolizing the union of blacks and mulattoes.

In Haiti, May 18 is the day of “Flag Day”, a public holiday. This celebration was established in 1926 by Mr. Timothée Paret, then Minister of Justice under the presidency of Louis Borno. It was a strong symbolic act, in the midst of the occupation of the country by the American army.

May 18, 1957: During the Te Deum of the flag festival, a group of Fignolists attacks the cathedral. The police opened fire on the crowd, killing two and wounding several others.

May 18, 2007 : Haitian President René Préval decrees 2007 “year of the war against corruption and for the benefit of equality between citizens”, during the festivities organized Friday in Port-au-Prince on the occasion of the 204th anniversary of the creation of the national flag, May 18, 1803.

May 18, 2008 : President René Préval turns the page on the designated prime minister not approved by the deputies Mr. Ericq Pierre and announces his desire to create a government of consensus with the political parties more than a month after the ouster of the government of Jacques Edouard.

May 18, 2009 : Dominican President Leonel Fernandez during his intervention during the Ibero-American forum organized by the Casa de America and the EFE agency demands that the Republic of Haiti be incorporated into the Ibero-American community as an “act of historical reparation.

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