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Me Iswick THOPHIN, candidate for the post of Prime Minister, presents himself as the man for the job

  • May 23, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 15

Amid the persistent challenges and political tumult shaking Haiti, bold, conscious voices are emerging, determined to shape a better future. Among these voices, that of Me THÉOPHIN resonates with strength and conviction, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of uncertainty and confusion. A young activist leader and politician engaged for many years, Mr. THÉOPHIN embodies the passion and determination of Haitian youth to work for real and significant change in his country. His remarkable career and his unfailing commitment make him an ideal candidate for the post of Prime Minister during this crucial period of transition.

Coming from the ranks of Haitian youth, Me Iswick THÉOPHIN dedicates his life to defending the interests of the most vulnerable and to combating the social injustice plaguing the country. His bold vision and innovative ideas have rallied many supporters, young and old, who see in him a true agent of change, ready to support the Presidential Council in accomplishing its mission. As a prominent youth figure, Me Iswick THÉOPHIN has demonstrated his ability to mobilize the masses and channel their energy towards common goals. His charismatic leadership and his ability to inspire confidence make him a natural leader, capable of bringing together the different sectors of Haitian society around a shared vision of progress and prosperity.

The choice of Me Iswick THÉOPHIN as Prime Minister would be a historic turning point for Haiti, marking the beginning of an era of renewal and revitalization in a world where youth occupy leading political positions, as is the case in France where a 34-year-old was chosen as Prime Minister, and in Senegal where young leaders are in charge of power today.

In these troubled times, Haiti needs a visionary and determined leader, capable of transforming challenges into opportunities and guiding government action during this crucial transition period. Me Iswick THÉOPHIN embodies these qualities and much more.

ME THEOPHIN has always been committed to promoting transparency, good governance in the interests of the weakest, respect for the rule of law and democratic accountability with a view to efficient and equitable management of public affairs, thus responding to the legitimate aspirations of a people neglected for too long.

It is time to give Haitian youth a strong and authentic voice at the highest level of the State, and Me Iswick THÉOPHIN is the ideal and legitimate person to carry this voice with pride and determination. By supporting the candidacy of Me Iswick THÉOPHIN for the position of Head of Government, the Haitian Youth Sector (SEJHA) embraces the hope of a more promising future for Haiti, a future where youth is at the heart of the transformation and where every citizen has the opportunity to realize their full potential without social contingency.

The time for change has come, and with Me Iswick THÉOPHIN at the helm, we can see a bright future for our beloved Haiti through this transition that cannot afford to fail. We, within the SEJHA, call for and support the choice of Me THÉOPHIN as Prime Minister during this transition period.

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