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Menopause: the foods to choose to take care of your brain health

  • May 30, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 30

If taking care of your body is essential, this is even more true during menopause. This period, both so special and so delicate in a woman’s life, gives rise to a whole series of upheavals for which the body has been preparing in secret since our birth, but we, not really. Irregularity of the menstrual cycle, hot flashessleep and mood disorders or even vaginal dryness to name only the most frequent… that’s all an arsenal of symptoms which results from the progressive decrease in the synthesis of estrogens and progesterone.

Some of these symptoms manifest directly in the brainlike the brain fog. As a reminder, the “brain fog” is characterized by cognitive disorders, mainly caused by low estrogen levels. In order to prevent this type of ailment and take care of your brain health, adapting your diet can be a beneficial tool daily.

The importance of the role of diet during menopause

The hormonal changes that occur during menopause affect the brain like everything else in our body. This is why paying attention to your food can have real repercussions on our well-being. Barbie Boules, American dietitian, explains in a interview according to Forbes Magazine what “estrogen acts as a layer of protection for our metabolic health“. “With the decline of estrogen, women may experience an increase in blood pressure, as well as their LDL cholesterol and their total cholesterol, as well as changes in glucose metabolism“, she adds.

In order to cope and better understand these changes, the dietician recommends in particular the MIND diet (Mediterranean-Dash Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay). Developed in 2015 by Martha Clare Morris, researcher at the University of Chicago, it aims to boost brain functions and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. At the time, a scientific study conducted by the University of Chicago revealed that people who had adhered to this eating pattern for four and a half years saw their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease decrease by 53%. . The MIND diet is “beneficial for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, maintaining a stable weight and promoting healthy blood pressure“, continues Barbie Boules.

Foods to favor to benefit your brain health

Thanks to this scientific study, a certain number of foods beneficial for brain health have been identified. Among all, Barbie Balls lists the leafy green vegetables (kale, spinach, cooked green vegetables), others colorful vegetables (ideally without starch), berriesTHE nutsl’olive oilthe poisson (preferably fattysuch as salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout and sardines), poultryTHE beans and lentils and finally the Whole grains. Finally, the dietician emphasizes that in addition to these foods to integrate into your diet, you must nevertheless leave room for gluttonyto avoid any frustration.

Brain health at the heart of metabolic health

During menopause, other measures can be put in place to monitor cognitive functions, such as Dr Justine Hugon-Rodin explained it to us, medical gynecologist. In an interview given to Current wifethe doctor confided recommending that women make sure they have quality sleepand to practice regular physical activity. Not only will these habits contribute to your well-being, but they will also help reduce stress, which contributes to brain rest, explains the gynecologist. In addition to limiting the consumption of toxic substances (tobacco, alcohol, etc.) which impair brain functions and memory, Justine Hugon-Rodin concluded by advising certain complementary therapiesas the cardiac coherencewhich help to have better sleep, better concentration and reduce anxiety“.

Sources :

  • Experts Share Tips And Tools For Protecting Brain Health In Menopause – Forbes Magazine
  • MIND Diet Associated with Reduced Incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease – National Center for Biotechnology Information
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Melody Husson Garnier