
Mercato – National: The truths about the agreement between Roberto Jean, Tempête FC and USR

Pair : And Rick Fernando Joseph

Contrary to the information suggesting that Roberto Jean is linked to Tempête FC for a permanent transfer at the price of 75,000 gourdes, they turned out to be false. After two months spent at Violette AC, the striker signed up with the Saint-Marcois club for 5 matches.

Indeed, according to the player’s statements to our editorial staff, he is only linked to Tempête FC for 5 matches (the last match of the first leg and the four matches of the return series). The amount of this agreement is 75,000 gourdes. From now on, the 26-year-old striker will help the “Bèl Kolòn” get back on track after the team experienced a disappointing first leg.

However, Roberto remains and remains a USR player. Despite shattering revelations in the Haitian sports press regarding the ambiguity and inaccuracy surrounding his contract with the Rive Artibontienne club, FHF officials remain indifferent, as has been the case for several other players in a similar situation. .

Note that the player was forced to join Violette AC, because the sum of 15,000 US requested by the USR was too high for the old Tiger.