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Mexico Shocking video: British ambassador fired for pointing a gun at local employee

  • May 31, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 26

Jon Benjamin, the British ambassador to Mexico, was dismissed after a video surfaced showing him pointing an assault rifle at a local embassy employee.

The video, posted on the social network X, shows Benjamin sitting in the passenger seat of a vehicle, pointing the gun while accompanied by laughter in the background.

According to the Financial Times, the incident occurred during an official trip to the states of Durango and Sinaloa, regions notoriously affected by drug cartel violence.

Benjamin, who served as ambassador to Chile from 2009 to 2014, was reportedly dismissed in April, shortly after the five-second video was released from an anonymous account, apparently run by local embassy employees.

The @subdiplomatic account claims that this incident is only the “tip of the iceberg” of the “harassment” suffered by employees of the legation in Mexico.

This action cost the UK ambassador to Mexico, Jon Benjamín, his job.
The diplomat was fired for pointing a rifle at an employee inside a vehicle during a work tour through Durango and Sinaloa.

— Joaquín López-Dóriga (@lopezdoriga) May 31, 2024