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Moïse Jean Charles asks everyone in the 4 corners of the country to turn Haiti upside down

  • February 2, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 58

The leader of the Son of Desalin, Moïse Jean Charles, asks everyone in the four corners of the country to turn Haiti upside down.

The leader of Desalin’s children, Moses Jean Charles, took the concrete today, Monday, January 29, in the city of Okap with his supporters, to demand the departure of Prime Minister Ariel Henry at the head of the country. The former Northern senator did not put water in his mouth to ask the population to revolutionize to be able to overthrow the country. He even goes further to ask the people to destroy the country, he is helping them recover it since the head of the Primate leaves the power he is ruling.

“What will happen Captain, the whole world will learn a lesson. And I ask the people, they can destroy the country, I will help them recover it since Ariel is not at the head of the country”is the statement of the former candidate for the post of president in the microphone of some journalists while he was on the ground where the demonstration was taking place.

This demonstration was filled with many people who were throwing many harsh words against Ariel Henry and all the members of the power in place. They did various areas of Kapi town and also found some obstacles on their way. Information says that the police fired tear gas just as the crowd was about to disperse, but that did not stop the demonstration from continuing.

In the final message, Moïse Jean Charles did not change his revolutionary speech by asking people to overthrow the country from Ariel Henry. “For me even after speaking there, for all the people in the four corners of the country to turn Haiti upside down.”

Further in his speech, he said that he is happy to see people from several parts of the country standing and mobilizing to demand the departure of Ariel Henry. He adds to say that the population must not stand alone, but challenge Ariel Henry to not stay inside the country.

Moïse Jean Charles insists on blocking the country, he asks everyone to block the neighborhood where they are, in order to unbolt Ariel Henry in power. “Tomorrow morning the neighborhood where you are is blocking it until Ariel Henry leaves the country. That’s what I wanted to tell you today.”

We remind you that on January 29, there were mobilizations in several parts of the country. Vil Kapap, Okay, Miragwàn, Wanament, Troudinò etc. In Port-au-Prince there was a strike that was not really respected but the street was shy while in Mibalère people were walking for electricity which is starting to be scarce in that city.

Moïse Jean Charles mande tout moun nan 4 kwen peyi a pou chavire Ayiti tèt anba

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