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Mose Jean-Charles rejects Caricom Presidential Council

  • March 20, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 42
According to Moïse Jean-Charles, what is happening at Caricom suggests that “the Western community wants a civil war in Haiti.”

The leader of Pitit Dessalines, Moïse Jean-Charles, says he rejects the presidential council of seven members and two observers proposed by Caricom. “Caricom cannot present us with a seven-headed serpent”, he criticized. “I don’t want Caricom to prolong the crisis,” declared Moïse Jean-Charles, before calling for popular mobilization.

Moïse Jean-Charles “rejects” Caricom’s proposal to create a Presidential Council composed of seven members and two observers. At a press conference this Wednesday, the former parliamentarian expressed his points of disagreement regarding such a project and affirmed that he clings to the three-member Presidential Council that he formed with his allies.

“We had a meeting with Caricom leaders on Saturday March 9. This was not a meeting to curry favor. We reveal our plan based on a three-member Presidential Council approved by 150 political parties, 3,250 popular, peasant and worker organizations. “I told them that this agreement was a non-negotiable national agreement », Reported the former senator, before exposing his disagreements with the Caricom proposal.

Press conference of the leader of Pitit Dessalines, Moïse Jean-Charles

Moïse Jean-Charles says he does not understand the logic of starting negotiations with the members of the government they overthrew. “We are not stupid. We are overthrowing the government because it encourages kidnappings, increases the level of insecurity, a corrupt government. I do not understand how Caricom can suggest that we sit down with the representatives of this same government with which we had refused any negotiations,” the leader of Pitit Dessalines first criticized.

Moïse Jean-Charles points out as the second point of contention in the Caricom proposal, the presence of a representative of the economic sector in this Presidential Council. “ It is politics that will propose economic alternatives, and not the other way around. The State is there to regulate the economic system. How can we understand that it is up to the economic system to regularize the State and take control of companies? There will be a conflict of interest,” justified Moïse Jean-Charles.

While in the Caricom proposal the representatives to the Presidential Council must give their agreement for the arrival of the Multinational Security Support Mission, Moïse Jean-Charles takes the opportunity to recall that Pitit Dessalines will continue to be consistent with his unfavorable position regarding the arrival of said mission.

As for the nine members of the Presidential Council (seven voting members and two observers), Moïse Jean-Charles considers that this is a kind of waste of the country’s resources, since each of the members will have their own entourage, their private residence , travel expenses, salaries, among others…

“Caricom cannot present us with a seven-headed serpent. We reject it,” declared the former senator from the North, before clarifying that they are no one’s enemies. “ We want him to come to his senses. It is not possible. »

In the eyes of Moïse Jean-Charles, what is happening at Caricom suggests that “the international community wants a civil war in Haiti”. “We have the political maturity, we will make this project fail. “We will entrust the destiny of our country to other leaders to advance our three-member Presidential Council,” he promised. Moïse Jean-Charles invites to the dialogue table the other leaders whose names are mentioned in the CARICOM project with the exception of the actors of the December 21 Agreement and the economic sector. “Our dignity is stronger than the personal advantages that the Caricom proposal can offer us, namely ministerial positions, general directorates, customs […]. We created a political bloc made up of 150 parties, including Pitit Dessalines, Guy Philippe, Consortium de Jeantel Joseph, Saint Armant, Lapeh, Bouclier, Solution. The three-member Presidential Council that we formed will be installed whether we like it or not,” declared Moïse Jean-Charles.

Latin American summary March 14, 2024

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Haiti Liberte