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NBA expected criticism of 65-game rule

  • February 2, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 18

NBA expected criticism of 65-game rule

  • Tyrese Haliburton and other players criticized the new rule, which requires a certain number of matches played in order to be eligible for trophies

If Joel Embiid did not openly criticize the 65-game rule, which now requires NBA players to play a certain number of games to be eligible for individual trophies, Tyrese Haliburton was more direct. Which didn’t surprise Joe Dumars.

“In the first place, there will always be unintended effects” explains the executive vice-president of the NBA. “Secondly, we knew it was going to become a problem when the first players were going to approach this mark. So it was likely that this would become a topic of discussion at one point or another. It could have been in a month. The number is what it is. But I’m not surprised. »

The NBA’s director of basketball operations, however, recalls that this number is the result of a compromise between the different parties.

“We must not forget that this agreement was negotiated collectively, with the players’ union, that it was approved by the owners and by the competition committee. We came up with a lot of numbers, and in the end everyone agreed on 65 and said, ‘You know what, that’s 20%, 20% of the season basically, that’s just’. It’s just. All the players in the ecosystem approved this choice.”

So the rule is not perfect and the NBA knew it was going to cause problems, but decided it was necessary, to revive interest in the regular season.


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