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Nesmy Manigat appointed new head of the Finance Committee of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)

  • March 10, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 35

Haiti’s Minister of National Education, Nesmy Manigat, has been reappointed head of the Finance Committee of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

“We would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Chair of the GPE Finance and Risk Committee for the 2024-2026 term. We look forward to working with you again to advance GPE’s mission to provide access to quality education for children around the world.” informs Jakaya Kikwete, former president of Tanzania, now president of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) in a letter addressed to Nesmy ManigatMinister of National Education, this March 8, 2024. This is in fact his third consecutive mandate in this prestigious position of the largest fund in the world dedicated exclusively to transforming education in low-income countries.

Reacting to this new appointment, Professor Manigat, who had previously chaired the Governance and Ethics committee, thanks all the partner countries, the donors, the international organizations, the global education unions, the foundations which once renewed him more their confidence. “I will try to make my modest contribution to the development and transformation of this fund which for 20 years has supported solutions to build solid and modern education systems in countries affected by poverty or conflict” he told our editorial staff.

The big challenge, according to Nesmy Manigat, is to continue to fulfill the donation pledges for the financing of our 2021-2025 strategic plan which should make it possible to support the 90 countries and territories currently active in the world, in a global context. politically and economically disrupted.

“When our education summit in London in 2021, co-chaired by former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, made it possible to mobilize an amount of 4 billion US dollars towards our objective of the 5 billion dollars over these 5 years, there was not this new international reality which puts more pressure on the resources of our donors, in particular our contributors from the G7 countries and further weakens the already vulnerable education systems of many countries” explains Nesmy Manigat who also underlines the urgency that developing countries continue to make progress towards achieving the commitment of at least 20% public financing of national budgets for education.

“In the case of Haiti, I am able to confirm that GPE will continue through its local partner agents including the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), UNICEF, the World Food Program (WFP), to support educational reforms, in particular the unique school book in Haitian Creole and other educational materials, particularly for new subjects, the professional development of young teachers to be recruited as well as the increase in the coverage of the school canteen based on products local” he continues. However, national funding for education in our budget will also need to increase, alongside the effectiveness of public spending in the sector, he says.

We recall, the latest financing from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) in Haiti, entrusted to the IDB, is $19 million, announced in November 2023 as part of multi-donor financing more broad aiming to increase the quality of public education services in Haiti, support the school canteen based on national production, compensation for learning, distance learning, connectivity of schools to the Internet and guaranteeing a source of energy, the operationalization and modernization of the education management and information system, etc.

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