Imagine a world where conversations flow naturally, where disagreements are resolved without shouting or reproaches, where relationships flourish in a climate of respect and mutual understanding. This world is not a utopia, it is within our reach thanks to Nonviolent Communication (NVC).

NVC: a revolutionary approach

Developed in the 1960s by the American psychologist Marshall RosenbergCNV offers a simple and effective method to transform our daily interactions. Its main objective is to allow us to communicate so authentic and caringfocusing listening, empathy and mutual respect.

The 4 pillars of CNV: a harmonious dance

NVC is based on four fundamental principles which, like the steps of a harmonious dance, guide us towards more fluid and constructive communication:

  • Observation without judgment : Let’s take a neutral and objective look at the situation, without wearing labels or negative evaluations. It’s about simply describing what we observe, without interpreting or judging.
  • Expression of feelings : Let us identify and name our emotions precisely, using clear and precise language. Instead of saying “You make me angry“, let’s express instead “I feel angry because…“.
  • Identification of needs : Let’s determine the deep unmet needs behind our feelings. What are we really missing in this situation? By understanding our needs, we can better communicate them to others.
  • Formulating clear requests : Let us express our wishes in a manner positive and concrete, focusing on actions rather than blame. Instead of saying “Stop criticizing me”let’s instead formulate a request like “I need you to speak to me in a more respectful tone.”

Putting NVC into practice: concrete tools for positive change

NVC is not an abstract theory, it is a practice accessible to everyone.

Here are some concrete tools to help you integrate it into your daily life:

  • Non-judgmental observation exercises : Practice describing situations in a way that neutral and objectivewithout passing judgment.
  • Journal of emotions : Write down your feelings regularly and try didentify needs which underlie them.
  • Role play : Practice express your needs and your requests clearly and constructive in real situation.
  • Reading and Resources : Many books and articles exist on NVC. Feel free to explore these resources to deepen your knowledge and find inspiration.

A path to more harmonious communication

By defusing judgments and reproaches, NVC helps defuse the tensions and finding peaceful solutions to disagreements. In improving our relationships along with others, NVC also contributes to our own well-being and our personal development.

Anya El Hamdaoui


June 14, 2024, at 3:10 p.m.

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