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Normil Rameau tipped to lead the PNH again, but confirmation is long overdue

  • June 15, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 7

Haiti replaces national police chief after Elbé ‘disaster’ to fight gang violence. “The results of Elba being in charge of the police force are catastrophic,” Mr. Esperance said, adding that he believed Elba should be prosecuted. “He spent all his time building relationships with gangs, strengthening gangs and preventing police officers from doing their jobs and risking their lives,” he said.

The second de facto government installed in Haiti in 3 years has announced the replacement of the national police chief as part of efforts to respond to the gang violence ravaging the country. Police chief Frantz Elbé will be replaced by former director general Rameau Normil, although this appointment has not yet been confirmed by the person living outside the country during the “scheduled” period of police violence. gangs started in 2019, in his presence.

The move comes as new Prime Minister Garry Conille faces increased pressure to strengthen the Haitian National Police (PNH), which remains underfunded and poorly equipped despite its fight against heavily armed gangs.

Conille, installed by a transitional council in May after gangs seized large areas of the capital Port-au-Prince and ousted former Prime Minister Ariel Henry, has expressed his determination to improve the living conditions of Haitians and to strengthen the security forces.

Pierre Espérance, of the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH), described Frantz Elbé’s mandate as “catastrophic”, highlighting his links with gangs and his inability to protect the police. Police unions have also repeatedly called for Elbé’s resignation and arrest, citing gang raids on at least 30 police stations.

Meanwhile, Haiti still hopes for the deployment of a Kenyan-led, UN-backed multinational security force, which has been repeatedly delayed.

Normil Rameau, placed at the head of the PNH between mid-2019 and the end of 2020 and whose mismanagement was strongly criticized by the Prime Minister at the time, Joseph Joute, should produce a plan to control gangs and improvement of law enforcement. The effective date of his entry into office has not been specified.

Prime Minister Conille said his government would work tirelessly to address the country’s major challenges and guarantee the security necessary for sustainable progress.

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Rezo Nodwes