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Occupation of the headquarters of the Minister of Communication in Haiti by homeless victims of gang violence

  • March 2, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 34

The de facto super-minister of Dr. Ariel Henry’s “pope twèl” government will probably not set foot in her offices at the Ministry of “Government Propaganda” on Monday, now occupied by “homeless people fleeing planned gang violence” . This occupation reflects the deep social tensions and persistent insecurity that prevail in Haiti under the governance of Ariel Henry, without a legitimate mandate.

The reaction of the authorities remains limited for the moment, with the police finding themselves unable to intervene effectively, as illustrated by the usual use of tear gas.

Saturday March 2, 2024 ((–Saturday, the day after the signing of the Ariel-Kenya Agreement, in an act of desperation, members of the Haitian population took over the headquarters of the Ministry of Communication, under the leadership of the powerful minister Emmelie Prophète Milcé, in the desperate search for shelter for the night.

The building was targeted by individuals claiming to no longer tolerate the eviction of their neighborhoods by criminal gangs. They now claim the occupation of this place as a refuge for the homeless, fleeing the ‘planned’ violence of pro-power and allied gangs.

The attackers forced the front doors of the ministry, entering with their modest possessions on their heads, seeking safe shelter far from the threats of the street and “lost territories”. Images captured by an amateur videographer testify to the occupation of the building by these destitute people, thus transforming the seat of Ariel Henry’s de facto government into an improvised refuge “by his fault”, they argue.

At this stage, the police – denounced as being exclusively at the service of the illegitimate Tèt Kale regime – have not yet been able to intervene, leaving the situation without immediate resolution. The usual use of tear gas to disperse the crowd was hampered, leaving the building in the hands of the homeless.

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