Verified on 02/06/2024 by Alexane Flament, Editor

Nothing is more unpleasant than seeing your hair become greasy very quickly after shampooing. This excess sebum can be due to a hormonal imbalance, pollution or even the shampoos used.

Fortunately, natural solutions exist to regain clean, shiny hair in the long term!

The apple cider vinegar rinse

To treat greasy hair, there’s nothing like an apple cider vinegar rinse. This natural remedy would regulate the pH of the scalp and, thus, eliminate excess sebum.

Apple cider vinegar helps “cleanse the scalp by dissolving the dirt particles found there” explains Fanny Pillet, author of 50 simple and natural beauty recipes. It would also have the particularity of “destroy bacteria by penetrating cell membranes” specifies the specialist.

For an effective rinse, be careful with the dosages. The expert recommends, for occasional use, to mix “1 part of cider vinegar to 7 parts of water (50ml for 350ml for example)”. If you want to benefit from frequent use, you should mix one part vinegar with forty-eight parts water.

The green clay mask

Your hair may quickly become greasy due to pollution. Gold, green clay is known to be a powerful detoxifier.

According to Marie Doriath, hairdresser, “green clay is a toxin vacuum cleaner. Its absorbent power is truly incredible”. To use it, nothing could be simpler: mix “a few tablespoons of green clay and a volume of water approximately two to three times greater” indicates the specialist.

Homemade dry shampoo

Dry shampoos can be a big help in an emergency. But their composition is generally not very good… Fortunately, it is entirely possible to make your own.

According to Marie Fréour, aromatherapist and phytotherapist, you just need to choose your powder according to your hair. “Cornstarch for normal hair, nettle powder for normal to oily hair, white clay powder for uncolored hair” she explains.

Then, simply pour the powder onto your roots, leave for a few minutes before removing the excess.

Baking soda

Baking soda is very often used to eliminate excess sebum. Many claim that it is a very good hair cleanser, which removes impurities such as pollution particles, limescale or leftover shampoo.

Sylvie Boulet, hairdresser, uses it in addition to cornstarch when making her dry shampoos. Moreover, she strongly recommends it to blonde people!

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

February 6, 2024, at 6:10 a.m.

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