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Outrage and solidarity: The Lorquet Foundation (FOLONHA) reacts to attacks against Le Nouvelliste

  • May 1, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 19

FOLONHA denounces acts of vandalism against Le Nouvelliste during its 126th Anniversary


The 1st from 2024

No. 24/112

The Lorquet Foundation for a New Haiti (FOLONHA) vigorously protests against the acts of vandalism perpetrated against the daily Le Nouvelliste which is celebrating its 126th anniversary on May 1, 2024.

The Lorquet Foundation for a New Haiti (FOLONHA) expresses its indignation at the recent acts of vandalism perpetrated against the premises of the daily Le Nouvelliste, located in the city center, by unidentified individuals.

This act of barbarity is unacceptable and demonstrates the ignorance of certain individuals regarding the importance of a press organ such as Le Nouvelliste, which has always been a privileged witness to social developments in Haiti. This attack highlights the persistent challenges in transforming mentalities in our country. It also testifies to the selfishness of those who, without consideration for the collective good, give in to their destructive impulses. Le Nouvelliste, which celebrates its 126th anniversary on May 1, 2024, is a pillar of independent information in Haiti.

As an integral part of Haitian cultural heritage, Le Nouvelliste embodies the vitality of the links between culture, research and the memory of the Haitian people.

Such acts of violence risk deterring potential investors as well as media actors across the country who aspire to contribute to a better future for our citizens.

Following this regrettable incident, FOLONHA expresses its solidarity with the staff of the newspaper Le Nouvelliste, and particularly with its director, Mr. Max Chauvet. We hope that they will not be intimidated by these actions and will continue to serve their community with determination.

As a partner of the Lorquet Foundation, Mr. Max Chauvet was recently honored for his commitment to professional journalism in Haiti, notably through Le Nouvelliste, Magik 9, Télé Podium (Télé 20), Global Presse and l National Association of Haitian Media (ANMH).

Created after the earthquake of January 12, 2010, the Lorquet Foundation for a New Haiti (FOLONHA) is involved in medical, educational and social projects aimed at combating social exclusion by promoting the creation of lasting community ties. FOLONHA intervenes in the fields of education, health, social services and international cooperation.

Lorquet Foundation for a New Haiti (FOLONHA)