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Picnic: Expert advice to avoid food poisoning this summer

  • July 16, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 1

A food poisoning is due to the ingestion of food or drink contaminated by pathogens (bacteria, viruses and parasites) or bacterial toxins (Staphylococcus aureusE. Coli). These symptoms, which include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal cramps, most often occur in the hours following a meal. In France, Public Health France recorded 16,000 contaminations in 2022. Of these cases, 643 went to hospital and 17 died.

In a recent Press releaseRobert W. Frenck Jr., professor of pediatrics and director of the Center for Vaccine Research, Division of Infectious Diseases at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, gave his tips for avoiding food poisoning during a picnic.

How to avoid food poisoning after a picnic?

Foods out of the refrigerator, exposed to temperature changes… When making a picnicthe risks of food poisoning are numerous. This is why it is necessary to take some precautions. Here is the advice given by the specialist:

Wash your hands before cooking

This advice applies equally to meals eaten at home as to those eaten outside during a picnic, for example, the specialist specifies. He also recommends “clean all surfaces on which food will be prepared and served.” A simple gesture also recommended by Public Health France: ““wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and during meal preparation.”

Use different coolers for different temperatures and types of food

If you have hot and cold foods, it is better to take different coolers to transport them, according to the expert. A way to preserve the temperature of each type of food.

Place coolers in a shaded area

According to the specialist, when having a picnic, it is best to keep the coolers tightly closed and not expose them to the sun. He indicates that this allows “to avoid exposing food to temperature changes.”

Return leftovers to the cooler to prevent bacteria growth

As the expert points out, “Food, whether hot or cold, should not be left outside for more than two hours, and even one hour if the outside temperature is above 32°C.” This is why leftovers should be stored in the cooler until the end of the picnic.

Avoid taking risky foods to a picnic

According to the specialist, “Young children, pregnant women, people with immune disorders and the elderly are at higher risk of food poisoning.” Therefore, it is better to include safer options in the picnic of high-risk people such as: raw or undercooked foods that can promote food poisoning.

Sources :

  • Food safety tips for your next outdoor family meal – Medical Xpress
  • Nearly 2,000 collective food poisonings reported in France in 2022 – Public Health France
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Oceane Letouze