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PM Ariel Henry plans to hold general elections no later than August 31, 2025

  • February 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 44

Prime Minister Ariel Henry plans to organize general elections no later than August 31, 2025 in the country.

At the 46th CARICOM Meeting on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, Prime Minister Ariel Henry said it had agreed to organize general elections in the country no later than August 31, 2025. According to the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Philip Davis cited by the American media Miami Herald, to achieve this objective, the regional bloc of 15 members of CARICOM would lead an assessment team supported by the United Nations, the United States, Canada and the Organization of American States to assist in planning for Haiti’s elections.

Still according to the statements of Philip Davis, the electoral commitment of Doctor Ariel Henry is an important step in the right direction, towards the restoration of constitutional government and authority in Haiti, emphasizing that CARICOM calls on all Haitian leaders, including including the current government, to sit down and make the necessary concessions in order to achieve a resolution to the crisis.

Reached by telephone by Juno7, the spokesperson for the Patriotic Movement of the Democratic Opposition (MOPOD) party, André Raphaël rejects out of hand, the declaration of Prime Minister Ariel Henry making it appear that he will have to organize the elections no later than August 31, 2025. “Let’s be real my friends. How can we organize elections in this current climate of insecurity?” he questions, specifying that Doctor Ariel Henry has no political or popular legitimacy to take actions in the name of the Republic.

Asked about the arrival of Doctor Ariel Henry this Thursday, February 29, 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss the deployment of the multinational support force for the Haitian forces, André Raphaël emphasizes that no force can resolve the security crisis which mourns Haitian families. “Remember that the country has experienced several foreign forces and until now, the situation is going from bad to worse” did he declare.

In this sense, André Raphaël invites Haitian actors to consult with a view to finding an ideal formula aimed at combating the enemy identified as the members of the international community and to create favorable conditions for the holding of free and transparent elections in the country.

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