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Politics: President Fritz Alphonse Jean takes stock of the Council and the Transition

  • May 15, 2024
  • 10 Min
  • 22

Advisor President Fritz Alphonse Jean announces the creation of a national security council. A decision taken due to the complexity of the security crisis plaguing the country specifies the economist, appearing on the show Le point on Radio Télé Métropole.

During his speech, the representative of Montana on the presidential council addressed several hot topics, including those concerning the functioning of the CPT.

If Patrick Boisvert continues to act as prime minister, in two weeks the council will choose its new prime minister to complete the two-headedness to ensure the continuity of the transition, he specifies.

Still regarding the presidential council, Fritz A. Jean reacted to his decision to withdraw among the 4 coordinators of the CPT to give his place to Smith Augustin: “people do not realize that it is the council which is president because all decisions will be made by consensus or with a majority of 5 out of 7 for the most important decisions.

Compared to those who are not behind the scenes, it is not a surprise if I leave the position of coordinator for another presidential advisor,” he said. Montana had been informed afterwards and they understood that we were in a deadlock situation, he insisted. He points out that his relationship was always good between him and Montana, except that there was always small talk.

On the subject of security, the former governor of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti highlights the first advances recorded: “the police have regained control of the Gressier police station; The population can also see that the gas pumps have been supplied with fuel in recent weeks; all this to say that there are a lot of things happening quietly.

We met with the police director and the army chief to be able to have a comprehensive understanding of the situation, to understand the needs of these institutions as well.” Affirming that discussions will continue in this direction.

The national security council that the council created should interface with the various public forces in the country and the international forces which must enter the country to support the PNH and the FAD’H in a way to create another environment. And this environment must lead us towards elections because one of the missions of the council is to create conditions conducive to the holding of elections.

The presidential advisor emphasizes that the establishment of the security council is part of a new strategy developed as part of the fight against insecurity.

Which shows that there is a new dynamic in terms of security in the country according to him. The members of this council will be people who have experience in security issues, he continues.

He says he recognizes that there is a situation of exclusion in vulnerable neighborhoods too, these are people who exploit their poverty and this is one of the elements which causes young people to find themselves with weapons in their hands, therefore we must put in place a reintegration program for these people and “we have already spoken with several international institutions about this need, especially when we know that there is a series of children victims of difficult situations”.

Economic issues were also debated during his appearance on the show Le point. So, for him, after the crisis there must be a post-disaster economic recovery in the country. He explains his position by the fact that at the moment nothing is working. The companies are on their knees regrets the president advisor who reaffirms the desire of the members of the council to rectify the situation.

All this will involve the restoration of security: “If there is an obligation for the council, it is to allow people to move freely in the country. For the strategic site, Kenya said it would secure them, that was a first discussion. But it is not only strategic sites that will be secure, it has evolved in this direction.

For expenses, he points out that the budget that the presidency had when there was only one president is more important than the budget of the council. Enough to calm tensions in relation to the information circulating on social networks regarding the envelope which will be allocated to the members of the CPT. In addition, each presidential advisor must have 2 advisors and 2 consultants. They are the ones who will be part of the presidential cabinet. The information circulating about them has been misinterpreted, they think.

This council is a structure that looks at how it can get the State out of the “capture” situation in which it finds itself. There must be a clear audit of all institutions so that we can move forward on another basis. We need to make sure we have a set of rules in the country. There is institutional strengthening that must be done. There are institutions losing up to 50% of their staff, there are a lot of concerns about this.

For the president-elect of the Montana Agreement, the problem of fiscal debt is difficult: There are institutions that have collapsed, institutions that were well managed but the crisis has ruined them. When these institutions are in difficulty, this is reflected in the banking system. When we talk about the post-disaster economy, we cannot ignore this. We must support these institutions to help them get back on track.

On the subject of monetary policy: There is a thinking that makes people understand that there is a magic wand that can bring stability to the exchange rate. It is a whole process that can bring this stability. This also shows that there needs to be an increase in production in the country. This should influence the dollar compared to the gourde.

The economist also affirms that it is extremely important that the State examines the form of support it can offer to businesses affected by the crisis in the country.

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