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Politics: The Collective of January 30 opposes the resolution of the Presidential Transitional Council

  • May 14, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 21

The Collective of January 30 opposes the resolution signed by the members of the Presidential Transitional Council establishing a rotating presidency around four advisors and increasing the decision-making majority from 4 votes out of 7 to 5/7.

Indeed, in a letter addressed to Édgard Leblanc Fils, Coordinator of the CPT, the political parties of the January 30 collective announced that the legal status of State Organ conferred on the Presidential Transitional Council by the decree of April 12, 2024 , Special Monitor No. 14, cannot be called into question by a resolution, an act which in essence has no binding character.

Note that, while recalling that the decree of April 12, 2024 stipulates in its article 3 that the Presidential Transitional Council is chaired by one of its members chosen by consensus or by the majority of the latter, the Collective of January 30 therefore shows itself attach to the consensual process initiated on March 1, 2024 which led to the establishment of the Presidential Transitional Council, a State Body now subject to the Republican Protocol, governed in the same way as the others by the laws and procedures of the Haitian public administration.

Mackenson PHANOR

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