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Port-au-Prince: tension rises with the presence of Guy Philippe!

  • February 7, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 49
Guy Philippe was walking on Place Saint-Pierre in Pétionville

On the eve of the fateful day February 7 which signified the end of Ariel Henry’s reign in power in Haiti, rebel leader Guy Philippe finally entered the capital Port-au-Prince from Grande Anse in the spirit of pushing the popular movement occupying the streets of the country to demand the departure of the Prime Minister.

When demonstrators heard that Guy Philippe was on Place St Pierre in Pétion-ville on February 6, there was total ephorism. Motorists from all over the world had rushed to join him.

Claude Joseph leader of the Ede party in a rally in St Louis du Sud

Isn’t this Guy Philippe phenomenon a way for the people to show their total rejection of everything that the United States of America has undertaken? Now the one who has just been released from prison in the United States is applauded, and certain sectors have even called him leader of the “Revolution” aimed at forcing Ariel Henry to resign from a power that he illegally occupies in complicity with the dominant powers in Haiti.

Isn’t it an anti-American developed among the underprivileged masses that has produced such a phenomenon, ask some political observers?

Jean-Charles Moise of the Pitit Desalin Party demonstrating with the people

During the day, he has time to appear on Télé Eclair, specifically on the program “Matin Débat” to announce, among other things, “ Tomorrow I will be in the streets with my people”

The government propagandists always said that he could not come, that he would not come to demonstrate against the government, are they surprised? So what will their reaction be?

He even declared during his short interview that he is in talks with other political actors such as the former Prime Minister of Jovenel Moise, Claude Joseph leader of the Les Engagés pour le Développement (Ede) party, while taking advantage to point out that he has only just spoken with Jean-Charles Moise of the Pitit Desalin Party.

All these two leaders are in the streets with the people demanding the departure of Ariel Henry from the Prime Minister’s Office.

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Thomas Peralte