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Presidential rotation and collective decisions: The Swiss Federal Council 7 members

  • May 8, 2024
  • 4
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Attention ! It is not a question of those who were “chosen” by Caricom by proxy to “govern” Haiti, which mission the CPT is not able to demonstrate, some two weeks later, that it is the height of the task. The false leaps have already begun: in addition to the “battle for power”, they have questioned and obtained the occupation of the territory of Haiti, independent and free since January 1, 1804. Another false step to come, with a constitutional referendum openly prohibited by the Constitution itself.

Looking from left to right in the photo we see Federal Chancellor Viktor Rossi (PVL) and Federal Councilors Elisabeth Baume-Schneider (PS), Ignazio Cassis (PLR), Karin Keller-Sutter (PLR), Viola Amherd (Le Centre), Guy Parmelin (UDC), Albert Rösti (UDC) and Beat Jans (PS). The symbolic representation of the Swiss mountains in the background recalls the importance of the natural landscape and regional diversity in Swiss identity.

The Swiss political system, characterized by its stability and direct democracy, is based on a decentralized federal structure. At the top of this structure is the Federal Council, an executive body composed of seven members. Ces federal councilors are elected by the Federal Assemblywhich is the bicameral parliament of Switzerland, composed of the National Council and the Council of States.

The Federal Council operates on the basis of consensus, which means that all important decisions are made collectively. This approach promotes political stability and guarantees the representation of different political parties within government. Moreover, the presidency of the Federal Council rotates each year between its membersfollowing an established order.

The federal councilors jointly exercise the function of head of stategood that the current president generally has a more prominent role on the international scene. This system of rotation of the presidency strengthens collaboration and equality between members of the government.

This unique political system contributes to national cohesion and effective governance of Switzerland, by allowing the representation of different political opinions and promoting citizen participation through direct democracy mechanisms.