Sébastien Migné, one of the favorite candidates to take control of the national selection

The Haitian selection is very close to knowing its new coach. If discussions failed with the Argentinian Juan José Serrizuela, the normalization committee seems to be returning to France to find a coach.

According to information collected by the editorial staff, the former assistant of the Cameroonian team would be the big favorite to replace Gabriel Calderon Pellegrino. Sébastien Migné is 51 years old, considered a carrier pigeon for his instability. He has known many African teams like Kenya, Togo, Congo, Guinea and Oman.

A look at his coaching journey ;2022-2024, assistant coach of Cameroon2019-2020, head coach of Equatorial Guinea2018-2019, head coach of Kenya2017-2018, head coach of Congo2016-2017, assistant coach of Togo2013-2015, assistant coach of Congo2013: coach of Republic of Congo U20 2011-2013, Republic of Congo assistant coach 2008-2011, Oman assistant coach 2007-2008, RC Lens assistant coach 2006-2007, Strasbourg assistant coach

Looking at his resume, he is a coach with a career as an assistant coach. In the event of an appointment as head of the national team, will he be able to rebuild the team. He is among several other candidates whose names have not been revealed. Unfortunately, it seems that it is with him that the leaders are prioritizing discussions which are very advanced.
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