Written on 23/07/2024

Heatwaves often mean restless nights and disturbed sleep. Do not panic ! Here is 12 tips to freshen up your bedroom and get a peaceful and restful sleepeven on the hottest days.

The list of 12 tips to adopt every summer!

1. Lower the temperature of your room

Ideally, the room temperature for optimal sleep is between 18 and 20°C. Use a fanan air conditioner or air cooler if necessary.

2. Choose sheets made from natural fibers

Favor the cottonlinen or silk for your sheets and pillowcases. These breathable materials favor air circulation and will help you stay costs overnight.

3. Take a cool shower or bath before bed

This will help to lower your body temperature and relax before going to sleep.

4. Avoid heavy meals and alcohol in the evening

They can disrupt your digestion and sleep. Choose a light dinner and cold drinks without caffeine.

5. Air your room regularly

Open the windows in the evening to let in fresh air and exhaust hot air.

6. Install blackout curtains

They will block the light from the soleil to enter your room and warm it up during the day.

7. Place a hot water bottle in your bed

You can also fill a plastic water bottle and freeze it. Place it in your bed 30 minutes before bed to create a cooling effect.

8. Spray cold water on your face and neck

Before going to bed, spray cold water on your face, neck and pulse points to cool down.

9. Apply a cold compress to your forehead

This tip can help you to fall asleep faster and stay cool at night.

10. Create a relaxing bedtime routine

Take a hot bath, read a book or listen to relaxing music to relax before going to sleep.

11. Exercise regularly

Physical activity can improve the quality of your sleep. However, avoid exercising too close to bedtime.

12. Consult a doctor if you suffer from chronic insomnia

If you have trouble sleeping despite following these tips, consult a doctor to rule out possible health problems.

Thanks to these tips, you will be able to enjoy cool and restful nights, even during periods of heatwave.

Anya El Hamdaoui

Passionate about journalistic writing, I am constantly looking for the most captivating angle for each project. My articles correspond to the main traits of my personality: the curiosity essential to researching subjects as well as the determination necessary for investigation.

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