Members of the population of Tiburon, Commune of the Southern Department of Haiti, killed and lynched, on the night of February 15, 2024, three alleged gang members. They are Walterson Pierre Louis known as “Lòm rach la” and Joseph ainis known alias “Onze” as well as a woman whose identity is not revealed. They were killed in the locality called “Anba Sab”.

THE HAITI FACTOR, February 16, 2024._At least three alleged gangsters lost their lives on the evening of Thursday February 16, 2024, in Tiburon, in the south of the country.

The latter are Walterson Pierre Louis known as “Lòm rach la” and Joseph ainis known alias “Onze” as well as a woman.


They were killed in the area called “Anba Sab”, by members of the population, while they were boarding motorcycles to collect kilos of narcotics.

The individuals killed are accused of being part of a gang working in kidnapping, organized theft and criminal conspiracy, according to information collected from members of the Tiburon population.

THE HAITI FACTOR (LFH) / Laguerre Frantzou