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Speak now gentlemen or never shut up!!!

  • June 15, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 7

With this predictable and vulnerable Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), should we wait for the 2025 elections to know who will be the next president of Haiti?

One of the strong arguments put forward by supporters of the Presidential Council formula to sell this option to the population instead of that which consists of placing a single man or woman at the head of state in Haiti is that it It is much easier to corrupt, influence or manipulate a single individual than a group of individuals.

And this makes sense, because in a group of three, if one falters or loses his way, he can find another among the other two to support him and bring him back on the right path.

And when there are nine of them, the chances of finding two or three of them to resist and not succumb to the temptation of corruption should be even greater.

However, the last two decisions of the Presidential Transitional Council set up with the help of the United States through CARICOM raise doubts.

Indeed, none of the 9 members of the said Council was able to truly explain how and why Doctor Garry Conille was chosen among 69 candidates for the post of Prime Minister as part of a process that they themselves put in place. .

Likewise today they cannot make the majority of the population understand, faced with this planned insecurity resulting in massacres and serial rapes qualified by some as GENOCIDE, how and why they set their sights on Mr. Normil Rameau as the new DG of the PNH, the Ex-DG of the Jovenel/Jouthe Administration who was incapable of leading the institution and had to throw in the towel?

Obviously, faced with this impotence that others described as cowardice, some among the 9 presidential advisors, no doubt, are already preparing and compiling documents for books which will justify or attempt to justify in the eyes of their political family, of future generations and the population in general, their inaction, cowardice or weaknesses.

However, some observers have noted that in both cases (The choice of Conille and that of Rameau), the two men “chosen” by the CPT, as if by chance, do not live in Haiti. They entered there after their appointment. They come from “heaven”.

Others wonder, with such a predictable, obedient and vulnerable CPT, should we wait for the 2025 elections to know who will be the next President of Haiti.

In any case, Gérald Gilles, the President of the CPT in 2025, is undoubtedly already ready to initial the Order which will validate the “election” of one of the two candidates for the Presidency selected by the system whose names are circulating already on the networks as well as the “election” of magistrates, deputies and senators chosen with the help of armed criminal gangs.

Today is therefore the moment for members of the Presidential Council to express themselves on what really happened in terms of the choice of the Prime Minister and that of the Director General of the National Police, two decisions which determine the future of an entire generation and the destiny of the population in general.

Speak now gentlemen, or forever hold your peace!!!

Celimène Fratus

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